Mar 13, 2021Liked by Shannan Martin

Thanks for your sharing once again. I understand what you say about the embarrassment about some of your past entries. Yet I must say I feel privileged to have read your blog from the start. I think it is also an encouragement as it shows that where you are and what you fight for today are the fruit of a pilgrimage with errs and more. But it helps me also to trust in my own possible progress. Shouldn't I have known the past, it would hard to relate and probably would make me feel guilty for not being there yet... I don't know if it makes sense but I felt like sharing that. And thank you for continuing to challenge us with your words and honesty! With love sister !

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This totally makes sense! I totally get it. I don't mind at all that I've kept many of my growth-points (and even mistakes) public. But when it comes to language that now feels (to me) hurtful toward others, I can't perpetuate that pain. But yes, it's important to see the trajectory. Fwiw, there are things in BOTH books I see differently now and would say (or not say) differently. They will, of course, remain in print, as-is. And I'm grateful for that, even as I might cringe here-and-there, because of exactly this point!

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Thanks for taking the time to answer. And yes I understand what your say, especially regarding to a new awareness on a former blindspot that could be hurtful for others. It's hard to realize later and there's room hopefully for growth and for asking for forgiveness sometimes when it is possible. I too cringe on past words and behavior... Thanks again for your honesty!!!

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Shannan Martin

My wife and I would like to know if there a way to contribute financially to your ministry?

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Mar 13, 2021Liked by Shannan Martin

Thanks for bravely sharing that story for us Shannan. I’ve been on some ministry trips myself that make me uncomfortable to think about now. Particularly two to the inner city. A few years back- I found photo albums of those trips. While it wasn’t all bad I could see some “white saviour moments” in some photos and they had to go. I tossed the albums in the trash. Interestingly, the last trip led to my calling to this neighbourhood and I’ve lived here since 2006. As I was going through photos, I noticed some kids. “Hey! That’s so and so! She’s so little!” I kept those, since now, they’re actually meaningful and tied to a relationship not just a kid who’s a project. That’s the real gift for me. We learn, we grow, we change and we do better going forward. Peace to you a you journey! You’re not alone. 🤍🖤

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That's it, friend. We learn from our mistakes and as we grow. But not every step of the journey needs to be memorialized.

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Yes! Exactly. We can remember it for ourselves, in our hearts, and that can be good enough. ~T

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Shannan Martin

There was probably only one winding path to the place I am now, and it is coincidentally about eight steps behind your rocky path, painstakingly cleared with your pen.

p.s. I hope I can still find your brussels sprouts recipe

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Holler if you need to!

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Shannan Martin


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This describes so well where I am right now. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your honesty and integrity.

"There’s a time I would have chalked this whole conversation up to “being too PC” or “too sensitive.” I would have said everyone needed to toughen up a little.

I am no longer that person. Now, I see tenderness as part of my spiritual birthright. I want to be quick to imagine things from a perspective other than my own. I want to be over-protective for the sake of my neighbor, erring on the side of caution and care."

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Your honesty and your willingness to reexamine your past words instead of just defensively dig your heels in is SO refreshing. Thanks for that. (And selfishly? I am anxiously awaiting the day when your recipes come back online. I was just about to try your salsa for the first time when you took down your site!)

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Anna, thank you for the encouragement. I honestly always feel better when I drag my mistakes into the light. And don't worry - I will make sure the recipes make the cut on the new website! In the meantime, I highly suggest buying a foam cup of salsa from your favorite local restaurant. :)

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