Thank you!! I am a member of a very old UMC (for now) in Mississippi and the turmoil of disaffiliation along with a small sect of our membership turning on our first female pastor has been heartbreaking. I am completely re-examining my relationship with church and have no idea if I will ever return with the gusto I once had. Your words have always resonated with me and today’s post is no different. I love your writing and appreciate your perspective.

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Sounds truly painful and I'm with you in it. Here's to speaking up when we must. And finding peace in the chaos.

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I really love this story. We moved

from a super programmed mega church to a tiny church in 2020 bc my kid was sick and they met outside. It has been a gift.

Shannan, I hear the mentioned but undescribed angst and I am so sorry. I’m praying for you.

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I receive your care, Ursula!

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I love hearing about your tiny, wonky (in the best way) church. I hope the angst settles soon.

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Lord, make it so! (sigh)

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Hi. Just wanted to say I read it and loved it- especially the part about disciplining our kids.

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Thank you as always for some of the best writing I ever, EVER read, and for the encouragement, even when that’s not your objective.

Enjoy the future pickles.

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This means a ton to me, Peggy. Thank you for being here.

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It's as though you were with me this afternoon when I was thinking why I haven't attended 1 of the 5 Churches in my neighborhood.

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I'm a true believer in finding a nearby church, showing up, and sticking around. Even when it gets hardest. Sending you courage for the journey!

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My husband and I are "full time Christian workers." Actual "missionaries in a foreign field." Youth group also played a huge role in both of our growing in faith (I met Jesus in high school after all). But we have... A church of 12 people who can barely understand us because they speak a different language (literally and in terms of church speak). We worry about our kids all the time. But we have to trust Jesus.

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God holds us all!

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This is so beautiful. I don’t consider myself a religious person- didn’t go as a kid, have had no formal education in this area- yet, I have a deep respect and even envy for people who have faith, a relationship with God, whatever we want to call it. I think living in community with our neighbors and especially folks who experience a lot of trauma and marginalization is the most holy thing I can think of.

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I'm with you, Lisa.

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With you & Cory completely. You ordinary-brilliant people. ❤❤❤

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Read this twice, and despite (because of?) everything...a picture of a spontaneous baptism will always make me cry.

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I needed this today. For so many reasons. Thank you for sharing your story with all the ebbs and flows of angst, gratitude and curiosity. I wish I could sit down with you for a cup of tea and hold all these stories together--in some ways we have because I sit here at my desk sipping tea and reading this post. The past two weeks have made me sad and muddled with a church I have been part of for over 30 years (a fairly good sized church with lots of programming)--minus four when we moved away. I feel weary with you and hope with you. Always grateful for you, Shannan! Enjoy those pickles!

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No one ever told/taught me how to disciple my children while deconstructing/reconstructing, and what you said rings so true.

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Jesus used stories to teach his disciples. So are you. I’d say you’re in good company.

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Your commentary and description of the church your childen are growing up in gives me a bit of hope for the future for our church. Our church is a mixture of people from our local community too, and even though a majority of them are older, somehow we have up to 17 kids attending on a semi regular basis. Still, of that number of kids, all but two are age 10 and under, with the oldest two being our pastor's oldest two kids, currently age 12 and 14, so we also don't have a Jr High or High school Youth Group either. Hopefully those two kids are finding meaning and purpose too, as the few of us who are able to teach cobble together worship service and a children's program.

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It can be so difficult to detach ourselves to certain narratives...even amid proof that they don't really "work" as we're told they do! Wishing you peace and grit for the journey.

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The mountain is me. Wow...thank you Uncle Bubu. He & Barb sound like wonderful neighbors - ones that surely will mean so much to your kiddos' faith journeys for years and years and years. And YAY for pre-pickles!

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Couldn’t love this more if I tried.

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Seeing your face here made me smile.

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