
Thank you to Jenny Potter for solving the "right to bear awe" mystery! Best we can tell, this phrase came from author KJ Ramsey in an Instagram post dated March 31, 2023. It's beautiful, magical, and clearly "sticky." 🩷

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Thank you for the book mention, dear Shannan. And for the reminder that “peonies bloom” while so many others things cease to..and I can both remember and stand in awe. 😭 Always grateful for your words and the way you see the world.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Shannan Martin

My peonies are getting ready to burst. Memories of my mom, gone since 2018, abound. She also had cut lilacs in the house...mine are just starting to fill the air with fragrance. This weekend my wish list includes driving to my dad’s house to bring the pot of geraniums for my mom’s grave. I’m not a grave visitor usually and find it more meaningful this year. My dad is 92 and I wonder if this is one my last times doing this with him and not for both of them.

Thank you for the tenderness and truth in your words.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Shannan Martin

I just went outside to check on the peonies and exclaimed about how they are going to bloom “any minute!” I came in, sat down, and saw your email. So much to worry about. So much to appreciate. 💗🖤🤎

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May 27, 2023Liked by Shannan Martin

"the right to bear awe" is my new favorite phrase and I will use it abundantly.

My wishes for you, Shannan and my fellow pot stirrers for this long weekend-time to rest and breathe, delicious food cooked on a grill, laughter, togetherness, peace, and awe over peonies and blue skies.

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Oh Shannan. This rang so true in my heart. I live in the heart of Minneapolis, our church stood across the street from the center of the riot, the only building that stood strong after the burning of buildings on that part of the block. I’ll never forget the scent in the air that week of holy rage fueled smoke commingling with the audacious aroma of peonies just opening to bloom. You captured this so well here. Reminds me of the poem by Mary Oliver about Peonies. Thank you for your words.

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I recognize I am WILDLY missing the point here, but did you know that there is a special peony extravaganza in Ann Arbor during the first week of June every year? Hundreds of types all blossoming and heavenly. At the Nichols Arboretum at UMich. And if you're in town, you should definitely check out the AMAZING Salvation Army on State St. It can put any Goodwill to shame. https://peony.mbgna.umich.edu/?_gl=1%2A38lo1y%2A_ga%2ANjkzNDI2OTQyLjE2NTQ2MzAzNDE.%2A_ga_78N1F32NLN%2AMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4xLjAuMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4wLjAuMA..%2A_ga_WRXVB2FK5S%2AMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4xLjAuMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4wLjAuMA..%2A_ga_2ZXSXGVJ42%2AMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4xLjAuMTY4NTQ3MTYwNi4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.47803943.1029998343.1685471607-693426942.1654630341

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Shannan, your words change my world. Now, every time I see peonies I will remember your words and remember what is most true and most worthy of my everything. ❤️

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Peony fragrance is a strong memory for me in a different way. Their scent is linked to the date I cut my long hair to prepare for chemo as part of my breast cancer treatment. Happy to say I've had the good fortune to breathe in their sweetness for 25 more years. Thanks for sharing your awe.

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This was such a beautiful Saturday morning read. Thank you.

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It has taken me several years to grasp the peony love that so many friends have; I have been firmly over here in the hosta fan club since no matter my neglect they continue to thrive.

I won’t think about peonies the same after this. I have not stopped thinking about the start of the summer of 2020; if anything the fire is only blazing hotter. We are moving cross country next week and I don’t know what this will all look like, but it is damn reassuring that there will be pot stirrers wherever we go. Thank you for having this space.

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My husband came home with peonies today and I instantly thought of George Floyd. I will never not remember those days. Every year. Every batch of peonies.

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The right to "bear awe" is so much more life-giving than the "right" to bear arms. I'm grateful for your writing Shannan.

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This morning I was thinking and praying on God’s plan in the years of silence in the lives of Zechariah and Elizabeth. They didn’t know the miracle and joy God had planned for them nor could they imagine the purpose in their pain. I look at God’s seeming silence in areas of my life and I’m reminded that He’s always at work even when I don’t see it or believe it. He is faithful. Remembering this helps me to hold both the beauty and the Hard of this life. It’s an exercise to keep lifting my eyes to Him.

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Love this! It evokes the hymn, "My life flows on in endless song". our daily grinding lives keep coming and we get to choose how we think & feel about each one/each moment: Good, bad, fear, joy, indifference; "The days are just packed!" And it is good.

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Agh. I’m never ever over your writing. This piece is so rich and relatable. And generous. Also my flip flop unearthing every spring is a big deal for me and aKeats inappropriately early. It’s more of a prayer than a shoe choice. Thank you for this.

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