Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

I went on my Tuesday interval run to prepare for the debate and what pissed me off is that my black son who has an amazing BS degree that he worked incredibly hard for cannot get a well paying job to save his life because of a felony charge he received for running from the cops because he was terrified that they could tell from his license plate that he didn’t have insurance years ago AND YET we have to listen to a person who would also have to check the felon box on a job application because he finally was caught disrespecting woman, rant more disrespect for humans in general and get people to support him to lead our country. How?!!! How is this race even close? Shannons thoughts of her “parental mistakes” not being able to mess up God’s plans for her kids bring me back to the phrase I have to remind myself often “God’s bigger than USA politics!”…Lord help us though. (Sorry for the run-on sentence;) (I’m not an Fb poster so thank you for this space to get this off my chest;).

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HOW????? 😫🫨 And your story about your son is devastating. I hate it so much. And I hope you know, I relate. This world is incredibly unfair, but I'll fight to the end to help make things right.

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

Learning what engagement moves me towards empathy and love for my neighbors and what engagement moves me towards numbness and cynicism is the work of my 40s. I am not listening to a hot minute of DT or listening to much news. I don’t watch sad/violent/depressing stuff. I am phone banking, volunteering w refugees in my community, and working as a trauma psychologist. So yes and amen to no heads in the sand and also, I think it’s okay to recognize the places we can see and hear well, with growth and soft hearts, and the places that just make us crusty.

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100%! I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with not watching the debate. 😀 But I think it points to something different when it's just complete avoidance. Thank you for offering a nuanced perspective!

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

I am spending one evening each week meeting with and encouraging women and men working toward getting out of poverty. Their courage and determination gives me so much joy. Several have criminal records; most are young single moms. I can't change current politics (I will sure try), but I can hang out with those Jesus loves.

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This is interesting! It's similar, in some ways, to what the jail ministry does with re-entry. I've been listening to a podcast this week about how "welfare to work" has been counterproductive (at best.) Poverty is so largely systemic, it can feel insurmountable to me. I'm glad people like you are engaging this!

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

Thank you for the idea of listing "things that made today more bearable, that keep me breathing". It will be a life line in the sea of anxiety we are in with this election, etc. I so appreciate your words. Shannon! Thank you so much!

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Get that list going, Loretta! Counterweights will help keep us afloat!

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

I needed to hear this today, Shannan. As ever, thank you for beautifully crafting the deep truths.

The whole world shares the anxiety about this election. I watched the full debate taped on Wednesday night and devoured the post game spin. My 'highlight' was the Ukraine section, my disappointment is that climate was a 1 minute tack-on. FWIW, I think we're celebrating a Harris win come Nov 6 or 7.

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From your mouth to God's ears! 🙏🏻

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

Also - Al reports her 3 things of breathing today on a trip to St Ives. 1) climbing a cliff & looking at the beautiful blue sea 2) saying hi to a family of turnstone birds on the harbour wall. 3) buying a $9 blackcurrant, vanilla & clotted cream ice cream on the recommendation of a local who has lived there for 50 years.

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That ice cream sounds fantastic! Would you imagine I aspired to make clotted cream one week ago? Alas, I couldn't find unpasteurized heavy cream on short notice...

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

I’m behind with your posts! I wait sometimes so I can savor-

That said, What is the Holy Alliance Bible study?

( I’m assuming it’s been mentioned prior )

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Sep 14Liked by Shannan Martin

I “save to savor” as well often with a cup of tea but tonight I just dug right in lol

( I think HABS was explained in the last email before this one;)

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Thank you! It's hard to keep track of my own words. 😄

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#1 for me this week, and I CANnot believe I am saying this, is that I have deleted IG off of my phone. I have (finally) realized there is just too. much. input. into my brain, and that even the good stuff/informational stuff I WANT is still collectively too much. It's too much! I can be informed without being inundated. So, I deleted it. And, very much to my surprise, I already feel more calm. I am seeing counterweights more quickly and readily (and not compulsively posting them....). I have more bandwidth to create my own counterweights, like Zoom painting with a friend, reading the books of my favorite content creators instead of just their posts, tidying my living space (a little) instead of cluttering my mind....I just desperately need more calm. Less noise. It's like in October when we are finally done with the window units for the year; I am *intensely* grateful for A/C - and - my whole body exhales when that noise is done for the year. I need less noise all the way through my middle.

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“As we choose minor discomforts, our window of tolerance opens, inch by inch.” Ooooooh this is so profound.

I watched this debate, even though I knew it wouldn’t change my vote, because I wanted to be able to have conversations with people in my life who are on the fence. It was a big step for me! Being able to celebrate the step will keep me moving forward to open my window of tolerance a bit more.

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